"An engaged community is an empowered community" Meet the STLPSC Steering Committee Farrakhan Shegog Trusted Broker, STLPSC TBD Program Coordinator, STLPSC TBD Engagement Specialist, STLPSC TBD Program Assistant, STLPSC Joel Caplan Co-Founder & COO, Simsi Leslie Byrd Byrd Foundation, LLC BU# 1839B Karen Clifford City of St. Louis Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Sean Hughes Property Owner, Hyde Park Dr. Phillip Marotta Washington University - St. Louis Jessica Meyers Violence Prevention Commission Keith Minor City of St. Louis Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Craig Schmid City of St. Louis Health DepartmentBU# 1902D Hassan Sharif Wells-Goodfellow Neighborhood AssociationBU# 1779B Francine Strain LongLive LaFrance BU# 1697A April Walker weCollabBU# 11150A Betty Wise Office of Violence Prevention Ronnie Amiyn Freedom Community Center Join The STLPSC→