"An engaged community is an empowered community"

Meet the STLPSC Steering Committee

Farrakhan Shegog

Trusted Broker, STLPSC


Program Coordinator, STLPSC


Engagement Specialist, STLPSC


Program Assistant, STLPSC

Joel Caplan

Co-Founder & COO, Simsi

Leslie Byrd

Byrd Foundation, LLC
BU# 1839B

Karen Clifford

City of St. Louis
Neighborhood Improvement Specialist

Sean Hughes

Property Owner, Hyde Park

Dr. Phillip Marotta

Washington University - St. Louis

Jessica Meyers

Violence Prevention Commission

Keith Minor

City of St. Louis
Neighborhood Improvement Specialist

Craig Schmid

City of St. Louis Health Department
BU# 1902D

Hassan Sharif

Wells-Goodfellow Neighborhood Association
BU# 1779B

Francine Strain

LongLive LaFrance
BU# 1697A

April Walker

BU# 11150A

Betty Wise

Office of Violence Prevention

Ronnie Amiyn

Freedom Community Center